Clinical | Mon.-Thu. | 8a-8:30p
Administration | Mon.-Fri. | 8:30am-5:30pm

Celebrating 25 years of Recovery Services

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¿Quienes somos?

En el Centro de Recuperación del Condado de Cameron, nuestro compromiso es superar los estándares de la comunidad en nuestra práctica profesional y operar nuestras instalaciones de una manera que demuestre responsabilidad hacia nuestros pacientes.

Gracias por su interés en nuestros servicios de tratamiento de salud mental para pacientes ambulatorios. El hecho de que esté accediendo a nuestro sitio web puede significar que usted o un ser querido está sufriendo o necesita ayuda. Por favor, sepa que ha venido a un lugar de comprensión, sanación y esperanza. ¡Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy!

Recovery from Alcoholism Testimonial

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction Testimonial - John's Story

Why Choose Us

Our Services Provide Comprehensive Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment

Adults & Teens







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Do You Struggle With:

Take the 1st step, We Can Help

RCCC - Alcoholism

Did You Know?

Your support can help fulfill

Our purpose to foster the general welfare of the communities of Cameron County and the surrounding counties by providing a safe, therapeutic setting for individuals desiring to make a positive change in their lives. Your support helps us to continue making that positive change.

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RCCC - Did You Know
Your support can help fulfill

Our purpose to foster the general welfare of the communities of Cameron County and the surrounding counties by providing a safe, therapeutic setting for individuals desiring to make a positive change in their lives. Your support helps us to continue making that positive change.